Painting of a cardinal on a cardboard circle with rubber bands on each side Photo Courtesy of Art Gallery of Burlington, 2021

Spring Into April With These Nature-Filled Artistic Activities

March 23, 2021

After staying inside for the winter months, we’re ready to embrace the sunshine. Check out our list of Spring-inspired activities that will keep you feeling creative all season long.

Art Gallery of Burlington’s Thaumatrope Tutorial

Streaming live on IGTV (external link) on March 27th at 1 PM.

Make a bird fly with the Art Gallery of Burlington’s Family Open Studio. (external link)This tutorial will teach participants how to create beautiful animations for the season using materials found at home.

The McMichael – “Uprising: The Power of Mother Earth” Exhibition

Ongoing until April 25th, 2021 

Take a virtual tour of Christi Belcourt’s exhibition Uprising: The Power of Mother Earth (external link) at The McMichael. (external link) The retrospective includes numerous works by Belcourt and Isaac Murdoch, and explores the “restoration of balance between all living beings and the natural world, reflecting the deep traditions of Indigenous culture.” 

Thinking about visiting the gallery in person? Check out this audio walking tour (external link)of their grounds, which includes information about their sculpture garden and outdoor installations. 

The Art Gallery of Thunder Bay’s Outdoor Sculpture Activity Sheet


Want to imagine what it’s like to create your own sculpture garden? Download the Art Gallery of Thunder Bay’s (external link) Outdoor Sculpture Activity Sheet (external link) to learn about the gallery’s outdoor works while practicing your drawing skills. 

The Grand River Conservation Authority’s Window Mobile Activity (PDF)


The Grand River Conservation Authority has developed a series of crafting activities inspired by the great outdoors (external link), including this Window Mobile Activity (PDF). All you need are some sticks, yarn, and the surprises you find right outside your front door! 

Origami Plant Pots for Starter Seeds (Facebook video) with The Royal Botanical Gardens

Ongoing on Facebook

Use your crafting skills to help things grow! The Royal Botanical Gardens (external link)put together this tutorial that shows viewers how to create biodegradable pots for your seedlings (Facebook video) using paper and origami techniques.

Bike Tour of Stratford’s Festival Route 

Bike Rentals available at Totally Spoke’d (external link)

Want to get moving while exploring Stratford’s cultural scenery? Hop on your bike (external link) to catch a glimpse of the Avon Theatre, the Festival Theatre, and the Avon River!