Ontario Culture Days is a yearly celebration of arts and culture that takes place from September 19th – October 12th, 2025. Individuals, groups, and organizations can showcase their creativity and connect with their communities through various events across the province – and across the country!
As an event organizer, here’s how you can benefit from registering your event:
Connect with visitors and show off your awesome community-engaged events
Increase your organization’s visibility and reach a wider audience with your inclusive arts and cultural experiences
Produce accessible activities that are either free or pay-what-you-may
Contribute to the growth and development of arts and culture in your region
Network and collaborate with other groups and organizations
Reap the rewards of festival marketing campaigns and resources for your event
Weekend for Truth and Reconciliation, Indigenous Tourism Ontario and Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig, Sault Ste. Marie Culture Days 2022. Photo by Kyrstiana Bourdage.
Participating in Ontario Culture Days is easy and fun. Start by thinking about what kind of event you’ll produce. You don’t have to start from scratch! Here are some ideas:
Check if your current programming already meets the Ontario Culture Days criteria (see below)
Expand your existing offerings
Partner with other cultural organizations to create collaborative events. For example, a museum could collaborate with a local artist group to create a public art installation that ties in with a collection or theme
Share your online digital recordings and learning resources
Create new experiences that engage the public in unexpected ways
‘Migration in Print’ Project Monotype Workshop with Beth Shepherd, Ottawa-Gatineau Printmakers Connective, Ottawa Culture Days 2022. Photo by Kyrstiana Bourdage.
Ontario Culture Days events must:
Have an arts and culture component
Encourage participation and engagement
Be either free or have a pay-what-you-may option
Be registered through the festival’s registration system via our Culture Days national affiliate.
Registration opens in the Spring
Be located in Ontario
Take place on at least one (or all!) of the Ontario Culture Days dates
September 30, 2025 is National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This day is reserved for events that commemorate this day and honour Indigenous experiences, perspectives, and creative and cultural expressions
Plan your event and make sure it fits the Ontario Culture Days criteria
Register your event as early as possible, providing details such as date, time, location, and description. Registration begins in the Spring
Check to see if there is a Ontario Culture Days Hub in your region. Hubs are local partners that act as community leads for the festival
Promote your event using social media, email, and other marketing tools
Before the Ontario Culture Days festival, make sure your event is accessible and has clear signage
On the day of the Ontario Culture Days festival, focus on making sure your event runs smoothly and attendees are engaged and have a positive experience
Take photos to document and share on your social channels
Track attendance and gather feedback from participants to measure success and make improvements for future festivals
Celebrate your achievements and share your experiences with others
Theatre on the Ridge Pop-up at the Scugog Hub, Ontario Culture Days Festival 2022. Photo by Barry McCluskey.
Milton Culture Days 2022. Photo by Olivia Brocklehurst.
So, what are you waiting for? Join the fun and get involved in Ontario Culture Days today!
Did You Know?
Each year, over 10% of Ontarians participate in Ontario Culture Days. Over 30% of participants travel beyond their home community to participate. Last year, organizers hosted events in 42 languages.