Four girls dressed in white with coloured headscarves and jewelry posing mid-dance against a dark stage background Milton Culture Days 2024. South Asian Mommies of Milton Cultural Hour, photo by Sarah Arfan

Call for Expressions of Interest: Official Provincial Festival Hub Program

October 16, 2024

About the Festival and official provincial Festival Hubs

At Ontario Culture Days (ONCD), we’re proud of the more than 1,500 events that unfold during our three-week fall festival. The festival highlights the geographic and cultural diversity of the province and its communities, engaging 10-14% of Ontarians across more than 90 municipalities.

Since 2022, ONCD has led the official Festival Hub program, which showcases locations across Ontario that offer a density of exemplary programming. These Hubs are regional gathering spots, featuring a wide variety of accessible programming that brings together friends, families, neighbours, and visitors to experience arts and culture. 

Hubs offer integrated, high-quality arts and cultural experiences in collaboration with diverse community groups, artists, and organizations. Through their unique programming, they strengthen local partnerships, leverage resources, support the creative sector, and drive tourism.

About Local Partners

Ontario Culture Days (ONCD) partners with local organizations across the province to make Festival Hubs possible. Lead partners often include arts councils, municipal culture departments, and major arts organizations or festivals. These lead partners often collaborate closely with additional local support partners to facilitate successful programming. In preparation for the fall festivities in 2025, Ontario Culture Days is seeking lead partners to participate as official Festival Hubs.

2025 Program Priorities:

  • Celebrate the unique character of Festival Hub communities, drawing in local, regional, and international audiences to enjoy these destinations.
  • Showcase Ontario and Canada as a welcoming and diverse place through the festival experience.
  • Encourage collaboration and mutual support between arts, culture, and community groups, helping them grow and reach new audiences.
  • Support artistic excellence and artistic programming, featuring exciting new projects in Festival Hubs.

What ONCD Provides

Ontario Culture Days (ONCD) offers hands-on support to Festival Hubs, helping them to succeed and grow. Benefits include:

  • ONCD will support your local outreach in preparation for the festival and, where requested, consult on planning and development for your Festival Hub.
  • ONCD will provide access to professional development and networking opportunities to Festival Hubs all throughout the year.
  • ONCD will work collaboratively with Festival Hub partners to develop audience assessment frameworks, and provide a Post- Festival wrap report including survey and registration data.
  • ONCD will provide:
    • A custom landing page on our website, with comprehensive event listings, feature program information, and relevant content.
    • Event signage, swag, and marketing templates.
  • ONCD will run a marketing and communications campaign, including government and public relations, to promote Festival Hubs.
  • Additionally, where possible, ONCD will endeavour to activate Creatives in Residence commissions within Festival Hubs.

What We Ask Of Our Local Hub Partners

ONCD asks that you:

  • Collaborate and coordinate with local groups and artists to develop hub programming and anchor events.
  • Focus hub activity on key event date(s), in addition to supporting smaller, more intimate programming outside of key event dates. 
  • Engage with and activate the ONCD marketing and communication campaign.
  • Assist in collecting audience and organizer feedback and provide insights for continuous improvement.
  • Where feasible and where requested, support ONCD’s Creatives in Residence as a supporting producer. (Read more about this program.)

How To Apply

Send a 1-2 page letter to by Friday, Nov 8, 2024. In your letter, please detail:

  • Why you wish to participate in the Festival Hub program. 
  • Previous experience with Ontario Culture Days initiative.
  • General vision for your Festival Hub; along with estimated key events dates.
  • Capacity to collaborate with local groups, facilitate partnerships, and coordinate events.
  • If you wish to be a lead OR supporting partner for the Festival Hub within your region.

Decision Making Process

ONCD will schedule follow-up interviews with short-listed applicants, and will confirm participation by late November. 

Please note this is a highly competitive program with limited spots. 

Additionally, please note that ONCD is not a funding body. ONCD is a registered non-profit arts organisation.

Decisions will be informed by:

  • Applicant’s history of engaging with Culture Days 
  • Location of hubs relative to others within the program
  • Capacity of applicant to work collaboratively with local partners and lead an official provincial hub.

Learn more about the Festival Hub program.