Myung-Sun Kim

Headshot of a woman with long hair wearing glasses

About the Program

Myung-Sun Kim’s ongoing project, ‘Rituals for Belonging’ invites artists of various disciplines to share objects associated with rituals that may recall joy, desire, and belonging. These rituals (such as recipes, meditations, or call to actions that offer the possibility of personal transformation and collective liberation) are encompassed in the series of objects on exhibition.

For the Ontario Culture Days Festival, nine contributing artists offer rituals to put forward to the future. ‘Rituals for Belonging’ imagines horizontal lineages of kinship and community, built over time through past iterations of the project. Past contributors include Althea Balmes, Clare Butcher, Jody Chan, Sebastian De Line, Ayumi Goto, Vanessa Kwan, Pamila Matharu, Peter Morin, John Murchie, Lisa Myers, Una Lee, Tanya Lukin Linklater, Haruko Okano, Amy Siegel, Tatas Collective, Camille Turner, and Tania Willard.

The exhibition runs for the duration of the festival at the Toronto Public Library – Lilliane H. Smith Branch. On October 7th, join Myung-Sun in-person at the library for an exhibition walk-through and ritual sharing.


These programs would not be possible without the support of the Government of Canada, the Canada Council for the Arts, the Province of Ontario, the Ontario Arts Council, the Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund and the Toronto Arts Council.

The Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund is a program of the Government of Ontario through the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, administered by the Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund Corporation.

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