Isorine Marc

Isorene Marc

About the Program

“Live at the Kisanii Hub” is bringing arts to The Esplanade as a part of the Ontario Culture Days Regional Hub Program and making The Esplanade Toronto’s only festival hub! The event, “What We Remember”, invites the audience to explore the perception of time and its impact on remembrance. From our busy and meticulously scheduled lives, to timeless ancestral storytelling, this event promises to entertain the whole family! “What We Remember”, hosted by Maysam Abu-Khreibeh, features acrobatic performance by Eman Hillawi, storytelling by Indigenous grand-mother Kim Wheatley, captivating drums by Njacko Backo, live music by Waleed Abdulhamid, face painting by Linda Epp, painting exhibition by Darwin Peters, an indigenous emerging artist/painter from Pikangikum. ​

With “What We Remember”, we are also diving deep into our individual memories tied to The Esplanade to nurture our connection to our community! Esplanadians will take the mic and share a memory of the Esplanade from their past. Click here to reach out to us if you would like to be a part of it! As one of the remembrance aspects of the event, we will have a craft table with postcards and everybody will be encouraged to write a piece for a beloved one and mail it following the event. At the end of the day, we are all about what we remember!

These programs would not be possible without the support of the Government of Canada, the Canada Council for the Arts, the Province of Ontario, the Ontario Arts Council, the Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund and the Toronto Arts Council.

The Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund is a program of the Government of Ontario through the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, administered by the Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund Corporation.

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